Laparoscopic Myomectomy
Fibroids and Myomectomy
myomectomy is a surgery done to remove uterine fibroids while
the uterus. It is usually done in a women during child bearing age,
so that her uterus can be saved and she can have children in the
fibroids can cause:
- Heavy periods
- Painful periods
- Infertility
- Pelvic pressure
- Increase in abdominal girth
Techniques of Myomectomy
- LAPAROSCOPIC MYOMECTOMY: The surgery is performed through a few small incisions made on the abdomen. The fibroid is cut into pieces(Morceliation) and removed through a small incision.
- HYSTEROSCOPIC MYOMECTOMY: A fibroid that protrudes into the uterine cavity is called a submucosal fibroid,This is removed(Resected) through a hysteroscope inserted through the vagina and cervix.
- ABDOMINAL MYOMECTOMY: A large open cut is made in the abdomen and the fibroid is removed. This should usually be reserved for when the fibroid is suspected to be malignant [cancer].
What to Expect?
- You will need to come on the morning of the surgery on an empty stomach
- You will be preparted for general anesthesia
- Depending on the procedure you can go home late evening(
myomectyomy) or might have to stay overnight(Laparoscopic
Advantages of Laparoscopic/Hysteroscopic Myomectomies
- Less tissue trauma
- Less blood loss - few ml versus half a liter in open surgery
- Less postoperative pain - patients walk on the same day
- Faster recovery - patients can get back to work in a couple of days versus weeks that open surgery
- Requires Shorter hospital stay - 1 day versus 4-5 days for open surgery
- Better cosmetic results - smaller scars
- Less chances of wond infection
Fertility & Laparoscopic Myomectomy
who have undergone a laparoscopic myomectomy have a good
of improved fertility. Results are better in younger woman with
one fibroid
advice waiting 8-9 months before planning a preqnancy. Thls gives
for the uterus to heal
Pregnancy Risks after a Laparoscopic Myomectomy
the uterus has been operated upon, the scar on ther uterus
that area a possibly weak area, which could rupture during labour, and, a Cesarean
section may be advised around 38 weeks of
Will Fibroids come back?
can come back especially in:
- Older women
- Women who do not plan a pregnancy fast
- Women who have had multiple fibroids
And, therefore if a patient is not planning any further children, it is ALWAYS a better option to remove the uterus [hysterectomy], rather than remove only the fibroids.